How to Improve Maths Skills for High School Students

Maths is one of the most critical subjects that equips students with fundamental skills they will use later in life. However, it has been reported that around 40% of students have trouble with the subject, and it is not uncommon for students to complain that maths is a difficult subject. Maths is fundamental and essential in today’s society as mathematical principles are used just about everywhere from home budgets to nuances of sports. Being proficient at maths will certainly get you ahead and enrich you to set you up for success in the long run. For this reason, tutoring has become a go-to for many parents. So, as you consider ways to improve your kid’s maths scores, here are some ideas you can combine with hiring maths tutors in Adelaide to help your child get the best education. 

Make It Fun

Many instructors will insist that the only way to learn maths is through extensive practice, and while this is true, there are ways you can try to make the process more fun. Statistics have shown that our brains pick up concepts better when we are having fun. It is not always about piling your notes on maths formulas and theories. You also need to understand how they work and how you can use them to arrive at an answer. 

It is a known fact that there are different methods for arriving at an answer when working out a maths equation, so be free to explore different problem-solving approaches. Shortcuts are acceptable, too. 

Some students pick up on visuals more. If this is you, try incorporating diagrams and tables and organising the information so that patterns make sense and can help you arrive at the answer. It also helps if you think of the math problem as a puzzle you are trying to solve. The perception you acquire might go a long way in helping you solve that maths problem. 

Enhanced Reasoning

Mathematical problems are solved best when they are understood in a meaningful way that improves critical thinking. Therefore, it is best to first establish a good understanding of the subject matter. This will be especially useful when it comes to widening their perspective and making it relatable to logical statements. Students should be well aware of the problem to be able to process it, solve it, and draw their conclusions on it as this will help build their mathematical ability. Polishing their problem-solving skills pushes the student to focus on their willingness to attempt and persevere to find a solution.


While perspective in maths will help you go a long way, you must have different perspectives, and this can be enhanced with collaboration. Group work that involves more than one maths element and different team members coming together and coming to a solution will go a long way in teaching students how to think in different ways. When we talk about collaboration we also mean collaborating on different subjects, not just maths. 

For example, when it comes to theatre students, they can collaborate when they are constructing their sets. Similarly, in architecture class, they do the same by incorporating mathematical designs into their models and setting up scales. The same concept applies to computer science students in robotic programs and even to culinary where there is a reduction or doubling of recipes. Collaboration not only boosts maths skills but also fosters creativity, loyalty, empathy, and trust.


Guidance will go a long way in saving you time and pointing you in the direction of success. Getting a professional tutor to help you will ensure that you get the results you desire much faster than you would on your own. They are known to customise the learning experience to the preference of the individual they are teaching. Tutors also challenge the thinking process by developing discipline and critical thinking. 

Tutoring is sought after by most because it is personal. This means the tutor will provide tailored assistance where you specifically have problems. It is up to the tutor to dig deep and see where you are stuck and, more importantly, come up with a personalised approach that is unique to help you overcome your trouble.

Guide Questions

Teachers, instructors, and educators, in general, want one thing from their students: for them to get it. This is why they are always looking to frame the questions in such a way that they will provoke the students to think deeply. 

This is more so with open-ended mathematical concepts to make students realise the various approaches, responses, and answers. Such analytical approaches allow tutors to assess their student’s level of understanding and encourage the student to employ critical thinking. In return, this helps to build their confidence and makes them more capable of taking risks. Students get to be more aware, able to answer questions and seek help where needed. 

Some factors that go into setting up these guide questions include the following:

  • Anticipation of the answers 
  • Linking the question to the end goal
  • Using action verbs
  • Keeping the questions open-ended
  • Doctor the questions to link them to the correct answer
  • Being non-judgmental
  • Patience
  • Encouraging conversation 

These factors will go a long way to generating questions that promote inquisitiveness, that are great at promoting deep thinking and understanding. 

Procedural Fluency

Some students turn to memorisation to help them remember the steps they take to solve mathematical equations. Unfortunately, this isn’t the best way to learn concepts. Doing this means they are less likely to understand the reasoning behind why they are following the procedures they have memorised. It is critical in maths that you understand and make judgments regarding the methods you apply in a given situation. 

Instructors should be able to analyse the students’ calculation methods, as this will promote effective teaching. Moreover, it will enhance the student’s ability to practice or rehearse strategies to justify their procedures and identify any mistakes they made in their calculations. Allowing students to be flexible in their thinking will make them more proficient at solving mathematical or even contextual problems. 

One of the most critical aspects of ensuring that a student learns maths is assessment. This shows what the student has learned and their grasp of the context. The process should involve analysing how the students apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired. Teachers should also monitor how students are picking the material to help adjust their teaching techniques for better understanding.

Lastly, instructors should motivate their students to learn how they can self-monitor their progress. This allows students to see if they understand new concepts or how often they need to revise previous ones to keep them in mind. 


Maths skills are essential for high school students, preparing them for academic success, college, careers, and life. With good mathematics knowledge, students develop critical thinking and confidence skills that will serve them for a lifetime. By making maths fun and conducting regular assessments, tutors can help students find new perspectives and become good at the subject. So don’t be afraid of maths. Make it fun and learn this wonderful and crucial subject, and you will be amazed at how it will influence your life.

Featured image by Lum3n from Pexels

20 Ways To Maximise Learning Opportunities During Your Healthcare Internship

Embarking on a healthcare internship is more than just a requisite step in your medical school journey; it’s a pivotal work experience opportunity to transform theoretical healthcare knowledge into practical skills.   

As you step into the critical phase of a health services internship in your medical career, you want to maximise every learning opportunity presented. So, keep reading below, as this guide outlines helpful strategies to ensure you fully leverage your Premed Internships Abroad experience.

1. Put in Place Clear Objectives  

Begin your internship with a roadmap. Having clear goals helps you stay focused and motivated. For example, if you’re interning at a medical clinic, one of your goals might be to learn five different patient assessment techniques within the first month of your internship program. By defining these objectives early, you can measure your progress and stay on track throughout your internship. 

2. When in Doubt, Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions  

Ask questions actively, whether they concern a patient’s care plan, a medical procedure, or administrative practices concerning your internship program. Each question not only increases your knowledge but also demonstrates your motivation to grow and learn.   

3. Seek Meaningful Feedback  

Feedback is instrumental in growth. So, make it a habit to seek regular feedback from supervisors and colleagues. Understand the areas where you excel and the aspects of your performance that need refinement. This ongoing input will help you adapt and excel in a fast-paced healthcare environment.  

4. Be a Firestarter; Take the Initiative when Necessary  

Taking the initiative goes beyond completing assigned tasks; it involves identifying opportunities where you can contribute value to your team and workplace. For example, you can volunteer for projects that may be outside your comfort zone, such as community outreach programs which can give you a better understanding of public health challenges and formulating solutions to them.  

5. Network with Your Colleagues  

Network, network, network. Connect with peers, join professional groups, and engage in discussions with experts at your place of internship assignment. Each connection offers unique insights and potential mentorship opportunities, enriching your professional network and opening doors for future career opportunities.  

6. Keep Track of What You’ve Learned So Far  

When doing healthcare internships, maintaining a detailed journal of your daily activities and learnings can be an invaluable resource. That said, record specific instances, what you learned from them, and how you can apply these lessons in the future. This habit not only reinforces your knowledge but also prepares you for similar situations in the future.  

7. Take Part in Training and Upskilling Opportunities  

Many healthcare organisations offer workshops, seminars, and training sessions for their interns like yourself. Participating actively in these learning opportunities can enhance your knowledge and skills.   

8. Observe How Medical Professionals Go On with Their Work  

Observation is a powerful learning tool. So, spend time shadowing different professionals, from nurses and doctors to administrative staff. Observing the intricacies of their roles and their interaction with patients can provide you with a rounded understanding of the healthcare ecosystem.  

9. Practice Self-Care  

Internships can be intense, often requiring long hours with emotional and physical demands. Prioritising self-care is crucial in order to avoid burnout. Ensure you manage stress effectively, maintain a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, and find time for relaxation. A well-cared-for intern is more effective and engaged.  

10. Always Do Reflection  

Reflection is a key component of learning. Set aside time each week to think about what you’ve learned, the challenges you’ve faced, and how you’ve applied your knowledge. Reflecting helps integrate learning with practice and enhances personal and professional growth.  

11. Foster Teamwork within Your Group  

Healthcare is inherently collaborative. So, engage actively with your team, whether it’s during routine rounds, in emergencies, or at staff meetings. By observing and participating in effective teamwork, you get to learn about the dynamics of healthcare settings and the importance of each individual’s role.   

12. Engage in Helpful Medical Case Studies  

Whenever possible, participate in or observe case studies. These are invaluable for understanding complex healthcare scenarios and the decision-making processes involved. Engaging in discussions about case studies can also deepen your critical thinking skills and clinical knowledge.  

13. Explore Various Medical Departments During Your Internship Tenure  

If your internship program allows, explore various departments within the healthcare facility. Spending time in paediatrics, emergency, surgery, or geriatrics can provide a wider perspective of potential career paths and the specific challenges and rewards of each specialty.  

14. Participate in Grand Rounds  

Grand rounds are an excellent opportunity for learning about cutting-edge developments in medicine and the current challenges and ethical considerations faced by the healthcare community. They also provide a platform for learning directly from experienced professionals and thought leaders in the field.  

15. Engage Actively in All Rotations in Your Hospital 

Think of the following: each rotation offers unique learning opportunities. That said, be proactive in taking part in as many procedures as possible; don’t hesitate to ask for more medical responsibility as you gain confidence. This active engagement not only helps in consolidating your practical skills but also demonstrates your commitment and eagerness to learn. 

16. Stay Updated with the Latest Medical Literature and Innovations 

Medicine is constantly changing; you need to keep yourself updated with the latest research and clinical guidelines. Read through different medical journals and publications, take part in medical seminars, and participate in novel case discussions with your peers and mentors. This habit not only broadens your knowledge base but also keeps you informed about the latest best practices in healthcare. 

17. Practice Time Management 

Efficient time management is crucial in a busy medical environment – especially for those who are taking up their healthcare internship like yourself.

Learning how to prioritise tasks, manage your schedule effectively, and be flexible enough to adjust to unforeseen scenarios is key. Having great time management skills allows for reduced stress levels and helps you allocate adequate time for other tasks such as studying and reflection. 

18. Focus on Patient Communication 

Effective communication is a core clinical skill. So, take every opportunity to engage with patients, listening attentively to their concerns and explaining their conditions and treatments clearly. This practice not only improves patient health outcomes but also enhances your ability to communicate complex information simply, which is a crucial skill you need to learn and strengthen during your whole healthcare internship tenure. 

19. Learn Through Teaching 

Did you know that teaching is an effective method to reinforce your own learning? Take opportunities to explain concepts to peers or even to patients, as appropriate. This can solidify your understanding of various medical concepts and uncover any gaps in what you know.  

20. Use Technology Efficiently 

Take advantage of the available technology to streamline your tasks and enhance your learning. Familiarise yourself with electronic health records, use apps for managing your schedule and tasks, and engage with online platforms that offer medical courses and lectures.

Final Thoughts

Your healthcare internship is a rich ground for growth and professional development. By setting clear goals, asking questions, seeking feedback, taking initiative, and networking effectively, you can maximise your learning. Don’t forget to document your experiences, participate in additional training, observe seasoned professionals, practice self-care, and reflect on your progress are all crucial steps, too.

Featured image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Actionable Career Tips for Parents to share with their Graduates

As a result of today’s extremely competitive job market, parents need to play a greater role in supporting their sons and daughters as they search for graduate positions. This post shares some actionable career tips for parents to share with their graduates. 

1. Encourage a Diverse Skill Set

Promote Continuous Learning

Encourage your graduate to pursue additional certifications, online courses, or workshops relevant to their desired field. This not only enhances their CV but also shows potential employers their commitment to personal and professional development. It is strongly advisable to encourage them to upskill digitally, as there is a demand for graduates with such skills. Some examples include learning how to code or digital marketing.

Advocate for Soft Skills

Emphasise the importance of soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Many employers value these as much as technical skills. Ensure that they highlight these skills on their graduate CV in a way that demonstrates their competence to future employers.

2. Support in Building Work Experience

Suggest Internships and Volunteering

Real-world experience is invaluable. Encourage internships, volunteering, or part-time roles in their field to build their graduate CV and gain practical skills. 

Many graduates leave university with very little experience under their belt. Gaining some work experience relevant to their desired field for a few months will better position them for a good graduate-level job. 

Facilitate Networking

Use your networks to help your child connect with professionals in their area of interest. Your company might have some open opportunities for work experience that you might be able to help them to get. Alternatively, someone in your network might be hiring grads- you could set up an introduction. 

3. Optimise the Job Search Strategy

Encourage a Targeted Job Search

Help them focus their job search on roles and industries that genuinely interest them and align with their skills, rather than applying broadly. Graduate employers are trained to identify genuine interest in a role. 

Ensure that their graduate CV reflects their chosen graduate job title and that they have examples prepared in the STAR format to share in interviews to demonstrate their skills. 

Leverage Alumni Networks

Urge them to connect with alumni from their university for insights, advice, and potential job leads. Many universities have platforms or events designed to facilitate these connections.

4. Prepare for the Recruitment Process

Mock Interviews

Conduct mock interviews at home to improve their confidence and answer delivery. This can also help identify areas for improvement. If you haven’t already, read our guide on how to host practice interviews with your graduate son or daughter

CV and Cover Letter Assistance

Offer to review their CV and cover letters, ensuring they highlight their strengths, achievements, and any relevant experience effectively.

Remember, graduate employers are looking for evidence of key employability skills such as communication and teamwork. When reviewing their CV, look for quantifiable examples that demonstrate these skills. 

5. Invest in Professional Help

Consider a Career Coach

Hiring a career coach can provide personalized guidance, improve job search strategies, and enhance interviewing skills.

We are the UK’s leading graduate career coaching company. We have helped over 5000 students and graduates land graduate-level jobs and boost their career development with our expert career advice. 

Contact us to schedule a call with one of our coaches.  

6. Foster Emotional Resilience

Maintain a Positive Environment

Keep the home environment positive and encouraging. Try not to allow career-related discussions to become heated. 

Job searching can be a lengthy and often disheartening process; emotional support is crucial. Sometimes a listening ear is all they need. 

Encourage a Balanced Life

Stress the importance of a balanced lifestyle that includes hobbies, exercise, and socialising to mitigate stress and maintain mental health whilst they search for a graduate job.

7. Teach Financial Responsibility

Budgeting Skills

If your graduate is living at home, this is an opportune time to teach or reinforce the importance of budgeting and financial planning. This is a skill they will use every day as a working adult, and should already have some experience doing it from university.

Saving Money

Instead of spending any money they receive, either through work or other sources, immediately, you should re-iterate how important it is to save money on a regular basis. This is so they will be more able to afford things like housing and other necessities in the future.

8. Encourage Independence

Empower Decision-Making

Encourage them to make their own job-related decisions, offering guidance rather than dictating choices. This fosters independence and confidence in their ability to navigate the job market. It is still ok to offer advice if you are asked for help, but do not push them towards the option you personally think is best for them.

Final Thoughts 

While the graduate job market presents numerous challenges, actionable support from parents can significantly alleviate the burden on graduates. 

When implementing these tips aim to not come across as pushy or that you are trying to take over. This journey is not always an easy one, but with resilience, hard work, the right guidance and determination, they will land a graduate job.

Featured image by SHVETS production from Pexels

Top 10 Business Coaches in the World

In the world of business, it can be overwhelming to navigate through uncertainty and competition. But don’t worry! You’re not alone on this journey. There are experienced captains ready to guide you—world-class business coaches armed with strategies and insights that can propel you to the top. In this article, we’ll explore the realm of these top-tier business mentors and unveil the 10 best business coaches worldwide. They have expertise across various industries and proven strategies, and their results are simply awe-inspiring. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an enlightening journey!

1. Peter Boolkah (Best Business Coach for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs)


Peter Boolkah, known as ‘The Transition Guy’, is a highly regarded business coach. With his hands-on approach and unwavering commitment to achieving results, he guides business owners facing obstacles. Boolkah has been recognised for his remarkable contributions to the field, including being the first and only member from the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region to join the esteemed ActionCOACH Hall of Fame.

He has also won the Best Client Retention award from 2014 to 2019, demonstrating his dedication to clients. With over two decades of coaching experience, Boolkah’s influence extends beyond individual businesses, impacting whole communities. He has been honoured with awards for his community impact and was named the Regional Coach of the Year in 2018. Boolkah’s success as a business coach has earned him the prestigious EMEA Coach of the Year award for 2023.

His strategic coaching process starts with a thorough understanding of your company and goals, then moves on to the creation of a unique success plan. Boolkah provides continuous support and guidance throughout your journey, instilling confidence in business owners.

2. Brad Sugars

Brad Sugars, a vibrant powerhouse in the realm of entrepreneurship, brings a wealth of knowledge from his illustrious career as an accomplished author, keynote speaker, and peerless business coach who specialises in helping entrepreneurs. His journey, spanning over thirty years, has seen him rise to the helm of more than nine prosperous ventures, including the multi-million-dollar franchise ActionCOACH.

Sugars’ passion for enlightening, inspiring, and sharing his rich experiences has equipped numerous entrepreneurs and business owners with the wisdom to sidestep pitfalls and fast-track their journey to success. Known for his candid and straightforward approach, Sugars is a successful business coach and mentor who offers valuable truths over comforting lies – a quality that has drawn millions to heed his teachings and implement them over the past two decades.

3. Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith, one of the top titans in the domain of business coaching, is a force to be reckoned with. His pedigree as a coach is palpable, drawing an elite roster of clients from amongst the world’s top CEOs. The impact of these clients on their respective organisations is monumental, much like Goldsmith’s influence on them. The demand for his wisdom is so strong that there is a six-month waiting list for potential new clients.

Goldsmith’s coaching methodology, as distinctive as it is powerful, centres on a payment system based on results. He only receives payment following evident improvement in his clients! Importantly, the yardstick for “improvement” is not arbitrarily decided by Goldsmith or his clients. Instead, it is contingent on discernible positive evolution in predetermined leadership behaviours, as adjudged by pre-selected key stakeholders. This unique payment model not only asserts Goldsmith’s faith in his coaching prowess but also guarantees his clients witness tangible, impactful results.

Furthermore, Marshall Goldsmith is the guiding force behind ‘100 Coaches’, an influential body made up of the globe’s leading thinkers, executives, coaches, and leaders, all committed to the upliftment of others and making a substantial difference worldwide. Under Goldsmith’s watchful mentorship, ‘100 Coaches’ serves as a testament to his unwavering dedication to leadership development and his ongoing commitment to engendering positive change on an international level.

4. Tony Robbins

For over forty-five years, Tony Robbins has been a guiding light in the world of life and business coaching. His innovative coaching programs, complete with engaging audio content and educational visual aids, have enriched the lives of over 50 million people across 100 countries. Tony’s is one of the best life and business coaches to follow thanks to his unique coaching style that blends passion with a touch of humour, making the transformative journey enjoyable for millions of his followers.

As a successful entrepreneur, Robbins has an impressive portfolio of over 100 business ventures, collectively amassing annual sales exceeding $7 billion. He’s not only a business maestro but also an accomplished author, with six international bestsellers under his belt. His works, including the financial blockbuster, ‘MONEY: Master the Game’ (2014) and ‘UNSHAKEABLE: Your Financial Freedom Playbook’ (2017), offer profound insights. His latest offering, ‘LIFE FORCE’ (February 2022), delves into the transformative power of precision medicine.

Robbins’s influential role in the business world has not gone unnoticed, earning him accolades from industry-leading institutions. Accenture lauded him as one of the world’s “Top 50 Business Intellectuals,” and he was recognised by Harvard Business Press among its “Top 200 Business Gurus”. His exceptional leadership earned him a spot in American Express’s “Top Six Business Leaders Worldwide”. Fortune magazine even hailed him as the “CEO Whisperer”. For three consecutive years, Robbins has featured in the Top 50 of Worth Magazine’s 100 most powerful figures in global finance.

5. Karie Kaufmann

Renowned for her fair-minded approach to business growth, Karie Kaufmann stands as a beacon in the bustling universe of business coaching. She holds a steadfast conviction that business endeavours should enrich one’s life rather than deplete it, and this philosophy fuels her relentless drive to help clients manifest their goals.

Karie’s commendable success story includes coaching an impressive repertoire of over 1,000 businesses since 2005, using the powerful Scaling Up and ActionCOACH strategies, along with a wealth of firsthand experience. When you embark on a coaching journey with Karie, expect to receive a meticulously crafted plan for success, expert guidance to navigate obstacles, globally tested tools for business growth, and a pleasant demeanour peppered with just the right amount of wit to keep you on your toes.

Her business coaching program involves one-on-one coaching sessions for business owners and executives, overseeing strategic planning retreats, hosting public and private workshops geared towards business expansion, and delivering keynote speeches at conferences. Karie Kaufmann’s approach is designed to empower business owners to unlock their untapped potential and achieve success while enriching their lives in the process.

6. Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham, the mastermind behind The Abraham Group, Inc., has committed his professional life to solving complex business conundrums and rejuvenating businesses that have hit a plateau. His distinctive business coaching services have catalysed significant expansion in over 10,000 businesses worldwide, adeptly navigating varied hurdles and capitalising on golden opportunities. Jay’s knack for restructuring viewpoints, discovering hidden resources, realising untapped potential, rectifying underperforming sectors, and highlighting underrated opportunities is remarkable.

As such, he has garnered the esteem and admiration of top executives, global CEOs, acclaimed authors, trailblazing entrepreneurs, and marketing gurus. His clientele is as varied as it is notable, ranging from major industry players to small-scale entrepreneurs. However, they all have one thing in common – their profits have skyrocketed thanks to Jay’s guidance, resulting in many seeing their net incomes increase to millions.

Jay is renowned for his ability to challenge and deconstruct the inhibiting paradigms that hamper business growth, marking him as a true innovator in his field. He eschews the typical confines of industry-specific marketing models, opting instead to present clients with alternative, frequently more profitable and less risky, marketing strategies.

By taking successful models from a variety of industries and customising them to suit his client’s unique needs, Jay empowers them with a competitive edge. His methodology not only ensures business growth and revenue enhancement but also induces transformational change, enabling his clients’ businesses to not merely survive but flourish in their respective markets.

7. Ali Brown

Ali Brown, a formidable force in the realm of business and life coaching, is the founder and CEO of The Trust, a modern, elite community for women leaders navigating the 7 and 8-figure earnings bracket. As a trailblazer in her field, she is widely recognised as the world’s leading coach for women entrepreneurs.

Her expertise doesn’t stop there; Ali also holds the reins of the popular Glambition Radio podcast and the newly launched Reward podcast, platforms that have sculpted her as a thought leader in the business and life world. In addition to steering The Trust, Ali lends her expertise to female founders with substantial earnings, aiding them in conceptualising and strategising their trajectory towards escalated leadership, results, and societal impact.

Her coaching acumen and profound mentorship have earned her the spotlight in various media platforms such as Authority Magazine, Forbes, and CNN. Her previous ventures in coaching and consulting have graced the Inc. 500 list, which recognises the fastest-growing private companies in the nation. Ali’s exceptional contributions have been acknowledged by Forbes, who listed her as one of the ‘Women to Watch’.

She is also a proud recipient of EY’s ‘Winning Women Entrepreneurs’ accolade. Her inspiring journey was highlighted on the ABC hit primetime show, Secret Millionaire. Ali Brown’s coaching prowess, coupled with her ability to inspire, has positioned her as a top-tier business and life titan, redefining the entrepreneurial landscape for women globally.

8. James Akin-Smith

James Akin-Smith is one of the top 10 best business coaches to follow. He’s a renowned business expert and an ace in the world of business coaching, renowned for his down-to-earth methods and results-driven mentality. He is recognised within the top 3% of business coaches worldwide, a distinction earned through years spent establishing and overseeing seven successful ventures. 

His lived experience adds a layer of authenticity to his coaching prowess, giving him a special perspective on the hurdles and openings that present themselves in the business world. Akin-Smith’s advice is grounded in reality, having been on the same journey as his clients, which makes his guidance relatable, pragmatic, and priceless. He has spent over 10,000 hours providing coaching and mentoring, consistently yielding substantial returns for those he works with.

His tried-and-true Success Framework, forged from his leadership journey, helps businesses sidestep expensive mistakes and guides them on a structured path to achievement. But his coaching aspirations go beyond merely business triumphs; he’s intent on shaping businesses that don’t solely rely on their owners, thus allowing them more personal freedom and precious moments with their loved ones and pursuits.

9. Lolly Daskal

Highly respected across the globe, Lolly Daskal has carved a niche for herself as one of the top coaches in the business coaching industry, particularly in executive leadership. Her rich experience expands across 14 nations and six languages, touching numerous companies and thus furnishing her with a diversified pool of intercultural expertise.

As the torchbearer of the esteemed leadership initiative, Lead From Within, she is on a mission to embolden leaders to excel and leave a profound influence. Leveraging modern science, philosophy, and almost thirty years of coaching high-profile executives, Lolly’s pioneering leadership style continues to challenge the norms to procure exceptional outcomes. She has been showered with many awards for her contributions. identifies her as a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert, and Inc. magazine included her in its list of 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Event.

The Huffington Post has honoured her with the prestigious title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her profound writings have found a place in renowned publications such as HBR,, Fast Company, Huffington Post, and Psychology Today. She is also the author of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller, “The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness.” Hundreds of companies, from large conglomerates to budding startups, have depended on Lolly Daskal to nurture their promising executives into resourceful, adaptable, and inspirational leaders.

10. John Mattone

John Mattone, a critically acclaimed author and internationally renowned big and small business coach, is the driving force behind four distinguished entities in the coaching and leadership development sphere. These include John Mattone Global, Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC), Intelligent Leadership Coaching International (ILCI), and Intelligent Leadership Online Academy (ILOA). His organisations, with their impressive portfolio of 14 registered IP trademarks granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office, are a clear reflection of his innovative and pioneering approach to coaching and leadership.

In an extraordinary accomplishment,, a respected research organisation, has acclaimed John Mattone as the world’s top business coach expert. Not just once, but four times in the past five years – 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023. This honour emphasises his steadfast dedication to business coaching and his significant influence on global leaders.

His wealth of knowledge and know-how, encapsulated in his best-selling works, has been pivotal in crafting the strategies of countless businesses and nurturing a fresh cohort of impactful leaders. For anyone keen to bolster their leadership talents and instigate transformative change within their business, John Mattone’s coaching techniques offer a verified route to accomplishment.

What Personality Type are Coaches?

Coaches, with their diverse backgrounds and expertise, share a set of common traits vital to their success. They often show high levels of empathy, resilience, and a passion for guiding others towards their goals. Many coaches may resonate with the influential, steady, and conscientious profiles in the DISC personality framework. This model classifies personalities into Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C), each with distinct strengths and communication styles.

For effective coaching, a balanced mix of these traits is key. A coach should possess Dominance to achieve results, Influence to inspire, Steadiness to offer support and patience, and Conscientiousness to ensure thoughtful planning and execution.

Interested in discovering your DISC Personality or how to utilise your natural tendencies in coaching or leadership? Taking a free disc assessment test can help you understand your unique profile and its role in the diverse world of coaching.

Benefits of Working With a Top Business Coach for Entrepreneurs

Working with business coaches for entrepreneurs has considerable benefits that can significantly impact your business success. 

  • Expert Guidance. With a wealth of experience and proven success records, the right business coach provides expert advice tailored to your business needs. They have a knack for identifying issues that you might overlook and can present effective strategies to overcome them.
  • Accountability. Business coaches hold you accountable for your business goals. They ensure you follow through with your plans and keep you on track towards achieving your objectives.
  • Personalised Feedback. When you choose the best business coach, you’ll receive constructive feedback on your strategies, plans, and execution. Their unbiased perspective can help you identify areas for improvement and suggest ways to enhance your performance.
  • Skill Development. Business coaches help in sharpening your business skills. They can help develop your leadership, communication, decision-making, and strategic planning skills.
  • Increased Productivity. With clear goals and efficient strategies, top business coaches can boost your productivity levels. They guide you to optimise your business operations and processes, which can lead to improved overall performance.
  • Work-life Balance. A top executive business coach understands the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. They can help structure your business in a way that allows you more personal freedom and time for other pursuits.

Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

What Do You Want To Do With Your Career Going Forward?

Your career is an open field in front of you. There are many different directions in which you can travel, and there are many different places that you could end up. The good thing about this is that it gives you complete control over where you go and what you do, but this can also be as scary as it is freeing. The good news is that we’re going to be going through your options with you today, hopefully giving you a little insight that will help you tackle the question of what you want to do.

Change To Something New

The first thing that we’re going to say is that you have the option to apply for jobs in the regular way. You can apply for new jobs if you already have one, or your first job if this is what it is going to be. The point of this is that you are going to end up working for someone else, so you need to take the time to ensure that your CV is going to stand out and that you can impress them. It’s always worth sending your CV to someone like CVExperts, have them take a look at it, and let them help you to make it better. This will increase your chances of being a successful candidate when applying for jobs.

Run Your Own Business

Another option is that you can open your own business. You can start a company from the ground up as long as you have a good idea, some money, and an idea that is going to go on to be a successful business. We’re not saying that it’s going to be easy, and you don’t want to be naive enough to think that it isn’t going to be a whole load of hard work because it absolutely is. Starting a business is the harder path, but if you have the idea, and you don’t want to work for someone else, it’s a good one.


The final thing that we’re going to recommend is that you start freelancing. If you are a freelancer, you’re not setting up your own business per se, but you are working for yourself. You work for businesses or clients when they hire you as a sole trader more often than not. It’s a great way to have all the flexibility of working for yourself, without actually starting a business.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of your options when it comes to moving forward with your career. As you can see, you are not stuck in one place, and it really does entirely depend on you what happens with your career, so you have got to decide what will make you happy. Stop trying to follow a path that you feel like you should be on, and start looking into the path that you want to be on. We wish you the very best of luck with whatever you decide to do.               

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Why Mentorship and Guidance Are Valuable Resources for Medical Admission

Embarking on a journey to medical school is a difficult but rewarding task. This journey is full of challenges, and aspiring medical students often encounter a complex landscape. In such a situation, the importance of mentorship and guidance cannot be overstated.

This article focuses on the invaluable role of mentorship and guidance in medical school admissions, shedding light on why they are crucial resources for aspiring medical professionals.

Understanding the Importance of Mentorship in Medical Admission

Entering the world of medical school requires more than just academic skills. This process is multifaceted and includes academic achievements, extracurricular activities, personal statements, and interviews. Aspiring medical students often grapple with the intricacies of each step, highlighting the necessity of mentorship and guidance to streamline the journey.

Mentorship is pivotal in the medical school admission journey, providing aspiring students with invaluable guidance, support, and advice from seasoned professionals who have passed the same path. A mentor is a beacon of wisdom, offering insights into the complexities of the admission process, sharing personal experiences, and providing invaluable tips that will help aspiring students stand out in the competitive pool of applicants.

The Impactful Role of Mentorship in Medical Admissions

1. Insight into the Admissions Process

One of the primary advantages of mentorship is gaining insight into the details of the admissions process. Experienced mentors, often individuals who have successfully managed medical admissions themselves, can provide valuable perspectives on crafting compelling personal statements, strategically choosing extracurriculars, and excelling in interviews.

2. Personalised Advice and Customised Strategies

Every aspiring medical student is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to admissions is inadequate. Mentorship offers personalised advice, helping students identify their strengths and weaknesses. Specific strategies for academic improvement, effective time management, and comprehensive application development contribute to a more competitive candidacy.

3. Building a Robust Application Portfolio

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in shaping a comprehensive application portfolio. From selecting impactful volunteer experiences to honing research skills, mentors guide students in curating portfolios that reflect not only academic excellence but also a commitment to community service, research, and patient care.

The Crucial Role of Guidance Throughout the Admissions Journey

Embarking on the admissions journey to medical school is a multifaceted challenge that demands more than just academic prowess. It requires strategic planning, effective communication, and resilience in the face of setbacks. 

This is where the transformative power of expert guidance comes into play, offering a guiding hand to aspiring medical students seeking to enhance their applications and MCAT scores. Experience the transformative power of expert guidance with Inspira Advantage, enhancing medical admissions with increasing MCAT scores nearby. 

By integrating strategic support aimed at boosting MCAT scores, expert guidance acts as a crucial ally in your journey toward medical school admission.

Strategic Planning for Academic and Extracurricular Activities

A successful medical school application is based on a foundation of well-rounded excellence. Students receive comprehensive guidance in selecting the right courses and engaging in extracurricular activities that not only reflect their interests but also meet the criteria of medical schools.

This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your application, ranging from academics to extracurricular activities, are strategically planned and aligned with your goals.

Effective Preparation for Interviews

The interview process is a critical opportunity to demonstrate your motivation, experience, and personal qualities that make you an ideal candidate for medical school. Personalised coaching improves your communication skills and ensures that you are confident during interviews.

This preparation is essential to make a lasting impression on admissions committees and to demonstrate that you are prepared for the rigours and responsibilities of medical training.

Managing Stress and Navigating Setbacks

The journey to medical school is inevitably accompanied by stress and challenges. A supportive mentorship environment stands by your side, offering guidance to help you manage stress effectively and overcome any obstacles in your path. 

This encourages resilience and perseverance, essential for success in gaining admission and throughout your medical education.


Is mentorship only beneficial for students with lower academic performance?

Absolutely not. Mentorship is beneficial for students across all academic spectrums. Whether you’re aiming to strengthen your application further or seeking guidance on specific aspects, a mentor can provide valuable insights and strategies.

How can I find a suitable mentor for medical admissions?

Finding a mentor involves networking, seeking guidance from professors or medical professionals, and exploring mentorship programs. Online platforms, professional organisations, and university career services are excellent starting points.

Can mentorship guarantee admission to medical school?

While mentorship enhances your candidacy and provides valuable insights, admission to medical school remains a competitive process. Mentorship increases your preparedness and competitiveness but doesn’t guarantee admission.


In a complex network of medical admissions, mentorship, and guidance emerge as beacons of support that illuminate the path for aspiring medical professionals. The symbiotic relationship between the mentor and the mentee fosters not only academic success but also personal growth. 

The wisdom imparted by experienced mentors becomes a guiding force, ensuring that the next generation of healthcare providers is well-prepared and equipped to make a meaningful impact on the world of medicine.

How Communication Skills from Call Centers Can Boost Your Portfolio

The great nature of the call centre job not only hones social interaction but additionally plants versatility, analytics as well as compassion. These abilities usually obtained via browsing complicated consumer communications can dramatically boost a person’s expert profile placing them as a useful property in a myriad of job courses. 

As we dig much deeper right into the refined facets of call centre services, it appears that the lessons found within these atmospheres function as an abundant structure for success in the more comprehensive range of today’s expert landscape. Listed below you may find some of the communication skills gained through call center jobs.

Enriched Verbal Communication

Working in a call centre develops your verbal communication skills as agents articulate responses clearly and concisely. The ability to convey information effectively is a universal competency, beneficial in roles ranging from sales and marketing to public relations. Clear and articulate communication not only facilitates better understanding but also fosters trust and credibility in professional relationships with your colleagues, clients, and future employers.

Improved Active Listening

Call centre agents are proficient at active listening, a skill that is vital in any kind of expert setup. While taking care of consumer questions, and problems, agents are able to pay attention attentively, understand intricate concerns plus react properly. These abilities are transferable to different functions from task monitoring to customer connections where comprehending along with reacting to stakeholders’ requirements are important.

On the other hand, active listening helps to handle mad consumers or settle intricate concerns that need elegance as well as strength. Telephone call centre agents find out to browse difficult discussions with perseverance, compassion plus expertise. These problem-resolution abilities are widely relevant, confirming advantages in arrangements, customer administration, as well as management duties where the capability to deal with challenging discussions is a vital possession.

Advanced Emotional Intelligence

Call centre agents browse a variety of client feelings daily. This continuous direct exposure constructs psychological knowledge and also compassion in the highest qualities in the office. Whether you’re operating in personnel, management, or group administration, the capacity to comprehend as well as reply to the feelings of others is vital for producing a favourable joint workplace. 

Additionally, the complex dancing in between telephone call centre agents as well as clients not only hones psychological knowledge but hence infuses a deep feeling of durability.  As call centre agents bridge language and also social voids daily, they normally create a refined understanding of efficient intercultural interaction, an ability transferable to numerous expert rounds.

Customer Care: Time-Management and Multitasking

Within the active landscape of call centre facilities, the function of call agents goes beyond the standard idea of customer care. These professionals act as the front-runner ambassadors, browsing a complicated set of duties that expand much past plain consumer interaction. Along with skillfully inputting notes along with accessing info throughout a myriad of systems, call centre agents come to be conductors of a harmony of jobs effortlessly handling numerous elements of client communications. 

The atmosphere not only cultivates multitasking expertise but additionally types a deep understanding of time management where every minute is carefully assigned to ensure optimum solution shipment. 

This diverse strategy not only improves their logical abilities but likewise infuses a feeling of ingenuity critical for browsing the varied range of obstacles that customers require. Additionally, the consistent direct exposure to various consumer accounts coupled with distinct circumstances adds to the advancement of flexibility, a high quality that verifies importance in the ever-evolving landscape of client service. Past the instant needs of client treatment the development of multitasking plus time administration abilities in phone call facilities gears up experts with a toolkit that reverberates throughout different markets. 


While phone call facility functions might be viewed as entry-level placements, the abilities obtained in this atmosphere are extensive. By identifying the worth of communication abilities refined in call centres, people can place themselves in an affordable task market. Whether you’re going for a supervisory duty, client-facing placement, or management setting, the communication abilities created in a call centre can be the secret to opening brand-new chances plus raising your specialist profile. Accept the experience and allow your communication expertise to move you in the direction of success in the communication services world.

Featured image by Kampus Production from Pexels

Tech, Tools And Resources Every Recent Graduate Needs At Their Disposal

Stepping out of the university gates and into the professional sphere marks a significant transition for every graduate. Armed with a degree, the challenge then becomes navigating the career landscape effectively. The right set of tools and resources can dramatically ease this journey, equipping recent graduates with the capabilities to thrive in their chosen fields. 

Professional Networking Platforms

Building a strong professional network online is as crucial as acquiring technical skills. Websites and apps designed for professional networking offer a gateway to industry insights, job opportunities, and valuable connections. By engaging with these platforms, graduates can showcase their skills, learn from peers and industry leaders, and discover opportunities that align with their career aspirations. Regular participation in discussions and posting relevant content can also enhance visibility and establish a graduate as a thoughtful contributor in their field.

Project Management Tools

Efficiency and organisation are key to managing projects successfully, whether working individually or as part of a team. Project management software helps in planning, scheduling, and tracking the progress of tasks. These tools are designed to streamline work processes, enabling graduates to handle multiple projects with ease. They foster collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned with the project’s objectives and deadlines. Embracing these tools early in one’s career can lead to developing strong organisational habits that are highly valued in the professional world.

Online Learning Platforms

The learning doesn’t stop at graduation. Online learning platforms are treasure troves of knowledge, offering courses that range from technical skills to soft skills development. These resources are invaluable for graduates keen on continuous improvement and staying relevant in their industry. They provide flexibility, allowing learners to pace their studies according to their schedules. Engaging with these platforms can help graduates fill any gaps in their education and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

DIY Repair Guides

In a nod to practicality, it’s useful to know how to address common technological issues, such as replacing your tablet screen. Access to online DIY repair guides empowers graduates to handle minor repairs without the need to seek professional help immediately. This skill saves money and time, ensuring that one’s essential devices are always in working order. However, if you’re not certain you can handle the repairs yourself, it’s vital that you locate a reputable repair service to do any repairs for you. A tablet can be a major asset in organising and coordinating your entry into the professional world, so it’s vital to get it right.

Financial Management Apps

Understanding and managing finances is an essential skill for recent graduates, especially those managing student loans or budgeting for their first job. Financial management apps provide a comprehensive overview of one’s finances, including spending tracking, budgeting, and investment advice. These apps encourage responsible financial habits, helping graduates make informed decisions about their money. Early adoption of financial planning tools can set the foundation for a secure financial future.

Productivity Software

Maximising productivity is vital in a fast-paced professional environment. Productivity software, encompassing time management, note-taking, and scheduling applications, aids in organising daily tasks and priorities. By efficiently managing their time and resources, graduates can enhance their work output and maintain a healthy work-life balance. These tools play a significant role in developing discipline and focus, traits that are highly beneficial in any career.

Career Development Websites

Websites dedicated to career development offer a wealth of information, including resume tips, interview preparation, and career planning strategies. These resources are particularly beneficial for graduates seeking their first professional role. They provide guidance on how to present oneself effectively to potential employers and navigate the early stages of a career. Regularly visiting such websites can equip graduates with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their career goals successfully.

Health and Wellbeing Apps

Maintaining health and well-being is essential for career success. Apps that focus on mental health, exercise, and nutrition can help graduates manage stress, stay fit, and maintain a balanced diet. These tools encourage healthy habits that are important for sustaining high levels of productivity and creativity. Investing in one’s health is an investment in one’s career, as it directly impacts performance and satisfaction.

Email Management Applications

The influx of emails can be overwhelming, especially when juggling job applications, professional correspondence, and personal messages. Email management applications are essential for graduates to keep their inboxes organised and their responses timely. These tools offer features like email sorting, scheduled sending, and prioritisation settings, which help in managing communications efficiently. Adopting an effective email management strategy early on can prevent important messages from being overlooked and ensure a professional image is maintained in all correspondences. For graduates looking to establish a strong foothold in their careers, mastering email management is a step towards effective personal and professional communication.

Final Thoughts

The transition from academia to the professional world is a pivotal period in a graduate’s life. The right set of tech tools and resources can make this journey smoother and more rewarding. From building a professional network to managing finances and maintaining well-being, these tools support graduates in various aspects of their lives, setting them up for success. By embracing these technologies, recent graduates can navigate their early careers with confidence, equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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10 Key Soft Skills Recent Graduates Need to Demonstrate for Career Success

It is common for students to begin considering career options during their first term of university. When you envision your career path, you can utilise your university years to gain an advantage. Even students who are unsure of what they wish to pursue in the future can develop valuable skills that prove to be useful, regardless of their career objective.

Developing these soft skills is essential for all professions and gives you an edge over less experienced applicants with whom you will soon be competing. Here are the top ten soft skills each university student should develop to succeed in their future careers. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

How do You Define Soft Skills?

Defining soft skills and how they differ from hard skills will help you understand the specific skills you’ll need when you begin looking for work.

In general, soft skills are those skills that are not technical or related to a specific occupation but are nevertheless essential for most jobs. Rather, they are based on how you manage difficulties, deal with co-workers, and demonstrate a high level of work ethic.

Unlike soft skills, hard skills are specialised skills related to a particular profession. An example would be the ability to analyse data, develop language proficiency, or perform research and writing. Depending on your job, you might need hard skills like writing academic papers, proofreading, creating content, etc.

10 Important Soft Skills Every Student Must Learn

Now, let’s examine 10 important soft skills that students should perfect and learn while in university. Developing these skills is essential to creating a professional impression and ensuring that you will be able to adapt to any work environment.

1. Communicating

Great communication is a key soft skill that is needed in any career path. Any individual seeking a job or seeking to succeed in a professional setting must possess excellent communication skills.

As a result, students should strive to enhance communication abilities, including:

  • Communication by speech or verbal means
  • The ability to listen actively
  • Communication in writing
  • Using body language to communicate non-verbally

Using these various communication techniques can help you land a job, network, impress people, ace an interview, and blend in on your team. You can practice improving your communication capabilities in all kinds of ways through university. Here are a few options:

  • Participating in debates
  • Taking part in oral presentations 
  • Facilitating writing workshops
  • Learning how to speak in public
  • Studying body language

2. Time Management

Developing this skill is an activity that all of us must practice, not only at the workplace but in our daily lives as well. Managing your time wisely will enable you to take advantage of each day and achieve your goals with ease.

To stay organised and on top of exams, assignments, and due dates, students need to have good time management skills. Here are a few ground rules you should follow if you struggle with time management:

  • Decide what you want to accomplish each day or week
  • Organise them by priority
  • Keep a record of everything on a calendar
  • Develop the ability to estimate time
  • Be respectful of your schedule

Additionally, students should be taught the importance of staying productive. Unfortunately, most of them procrastinate, scroll on social media, and are easily distracted.

3. Being Creative 

All workplaces appreciate creative thinking, innovative thinking, and the desire to make a positive difference. There will be a desire on the part of your future company to see that you contribute and go above and beyond the official request.

A university environment is ideal for practicing creativity and developing your ability to communicate and utilise ideas effectively.

As a starting point, consider these options:

  • Participate in activities of student groups and organizations
  • Studying creatively
  • Taking part in creative workshops
  • Getting to know other creative classmates

Contribute boldly to creative team projects by finding creative activities that you enjoy. A good creativity example includes learning graphic design and making unique and catchy logos and related designs using your creativity. Further, you can also get help from an online logo maker tool to learn what the best logos and design consist of and how you can do that on your own. 

4. Working Together/ Teamwork

There is no doubt that collaboration and teamwork are significant in every industry and workplace. Working together and contributing seems very rewarding, so students should take advantage of this opportunity.

Collaboration requires treating others with respect and allowing others to treat you with respect. Here is how to contribute towards teamwork:

  • Be attentive to what you hear
  • Communicate clearly
  • Respectfully express your opinions
  • Adaptability is essential
  • Be supportive of one another
  • Empathise with others

If you play your part, you can teach the other team something as well. 

5. Solving Problems

In the opinion of some students, solving a problem is either something you can do or you don’t. However, this is not the case. The purpose of problem-solving abilities is to assist us in finding solutions to situations that may present themselves.

A problem-solver must be able to:

  • Consider all aspects of a problem
  • Describe the problem in detail
  • Think of several possible solutions and brainstorm them
  • Decide which is the best
  • Consider finding a method for gradually breaking down a problem and finding the best solution, as opposed to giving up.

6. Thinking Critically

A critical thinker is capable of analysing facts to conclude. In addition to problem-solving, critical thinking encompasses the following key elements:

  • Analysing and conducting research
  • Analysing all possible outcomes and options
  • Risk management and reward mitigation

To promote growth and improve company-wide operations, employers seek candidates with this skill to make important decisions and solve complicated problems.

7. Having a Positive Attitude

It is important to stay optimistic and cheerful at work, regardless of the task at hand. Positive attitudes are correlated with a greater drive to work, a greater sense of self-motivation, and the ability to interact effectively with others. Moreover, they can maintain a positive attitude despite challenging situations by looking for opportunities. Companies need to retain resilient and motivated employees since they are instrumental in improving the morale of the entire team or organisation; they can also contribute to the development of company culture and value systems.

8. Emotional Intelligence

Do you have a clear understanding of how your emotions feel? The question is, how do you recognise, manage, and process them most appropriately? You act largely based on your emotions, affecting your personality and how you interact with other people.

Being emotionally intelligent will enable you to gain self-awareness, confidence, and the ability to empathize with others. Furthermore, it will benefit your mental health, relieve stress, and help you maintain control over your emotions.

9. Managing Stress

It is common knowledge that students will face stress from time to time, but not every student is capable of managing it. Students often find it challenging to remain organised and productive and achieve goals during stressful times.

The importance of stress management to university students and graduates cannot be overstated. The following are some strategies for managing stress:

  • Setting realistic goals 
  • Identifying the stress triggers in your life
  • Techniques for relieving stress

Managing stress requires active effort and learning how to channel it appropriately.

10. Adaptability

Would you consider yourself to be one of those individuals unable to see other possibilities in which a situation could unfold? Is it difficult for you to accept that sometimes things simply do not turn out as you had hoped?

It will be very difficult for you to integrate with a team of professionals if you are not flexible. Managing your goals regardless of changing circumstances means remaining flexible at work, adapting as circumstances change, and keeping track of your progress.


A university education can be a great opportunity for developing important soft skills. Your only responsibility is to recognize that these skills are important and take part in activities that will enhance them.

While still in school, you can use the top 10 skills listed above as your guide for taking your first career steps. The more confident you are after graduation, the easier it will be for you to find employment and become the person you want to be.

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