Securing a Festive Gig: Tips for Landing a Temporary Job Over Christmas

Dec 4, 2023

The holiday season brings along not just the joys of Christmas trees, gifts, and carols but also an array of temporary job opportunities. Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash or gain experience in a new field, the festive period is ripe with chances to jump into short-term roles. Here’s a guide to help you secure that festive gig.

Why Christmas is a Goldmine for Temporary Jobs

  1. Retail Rush: Stores often require additional hands on deck to manage the Christmas shopping frenzy. This makes it much easier to find a job than at quieter times of the year.
  2. Holiday Events: With parties, festivals, and events galore, there’s a surge in demand for event staff, from coordinators to caterers.
  3. Vacation Replacements: Many professionals take their annual leave during Christmas, creating a need for temp staff to fill in.

Tips to Land a Temporary Job Over Christmas

1. Start Early

Begin your job search in late October or early November. Companies often finalise their holiday staffing needs well in advance, due to needing extra support during the period of increased demand during the holidays. 

The kind of jobs you can get over the holidays include retail, hospitality and warehouse jobs. While you may be apprehensive about having a temporary job, they can be used on your CV as evidence that you can succeed in a working environment. This is important as for most jobs, employers consider practical experience to be more important than any qualification you can get at university. 

2. Tailor Your CV and Cover Letter

Highlight any previous seasonal or relevant experience. Even if you’re diving into a new field, emphasise transferable skills that will be useful for the job you are applying for. 

Ensure that your CV and cover letter are one page each, as employers don’t have the time to read through every skill and experience you have. Prioritise skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the role you are applying for, such as dealing with customers for a retail job. If you are unsure of what to include, re-read the job description for ideas.

3. Network, Network, Network

Let friends, family, and acquaintances know you’re on the hunt. Personal recommendations can give you an edge as employers are more willing to hire someone they already know, than a stranger they have only spoken to during job interviews. 

You can also create a network by going to networking events, either at university or outside of it. Make sure you create a good first impression and focus on connecting with people who work in the industry you are trying to get a job in. 

4. Flexibility is Key

Christmas temporary jobs might come with unconventional hours. Being open to working odd shifts can make you a more attractive candidate as there will be more applicants hoping to work normal working hours. 

You can find jobs with odd hours by searching specifically for them on job-hunting websites such as LinkedIn and Indeed. Before you start a job with unconventional hours, you should plan your sleep schedule so that you are well-rested before your shift starts.

5. Do Your Research

Familiarise yourself with businesses known to hire seasonal workers, such as retail chains, event companies, and hospitality establishments.

You can do this by looking up local businesses on LinkedIn, and checking which ones are looking for additional help during the holiday period, which jobs specifically need filling, and which ones you are most suited for.

6. Present Yourself Well

While some temp roles might not require formal interviews, you should always try to make a good impression. Be punctual, dress appropriately, and showcase your enthusiasm.

For your first shift, it may be a good idea to leave home especially early, to make sure there are no complications on the route you have planned. You should also volunteer for extra responsibilities if given the opportunity to show your enthusiasm. 

7. Leverage Online Job Platforms

Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn often have dedicated sections for seasonal or temporary employment.

Be sure to check multiple job boards on a daily basis so you don’t miss any potential opportunities for work. You can also read the job specifications on these websites so you can optimise your CV for that specific role, emphasising how you have the skills they are looking for. 

8. Consider Roles Beyond Retail

While retail is a major sector for Christmas jobs, think about other areas like delivery services, customer support, or even Christmas tree farms!

Broadening your options will increase your chance of getting a temporary job and help you gain experience in submitting job applications that will be useful when you are applying for a permanent role somewhere else. 

9. Be Ready to Commit

Even if it’s a temporary role, employers appreciate reliability. Ensure you’re genuinely available for the entire period you commit to.

You should ensure that your shift does not clash with any other commitments, such as university, you may have. Work out beforehand and be clear with companies you apply to which times you can and can’t work, and avoid agreeing to any timeslot before realising later you can’t make it. 

10. Prepare for Next Year

If you find a temporary role you love, build relationships and perform well. This could lead to a recurring seasonal position or even a permanent offer.

You can increase your chances of this by always arriving on time, learning quickly and being friendly with your employers. 

11. Stay focused on landing a full-time job after the holidays

You should still be applying for full-time jobs during this period, as there are certain advantages to applying for jobs over the holiday season rather than waiting until the new year. 

Set aside roughly an hour each day to work on applying for full-time jobs, making sure that you apply for roles that start after your temporary job has finished to ensure that there is no overlap between the two.

12. After your temporary Christmas job, add your skills and experiences to your CV

It is incredibly important that you add the details of your temporary job to your CV, as it shows that you can succeed in a working environment, which is something that employers will value far more than a university degree or other type of qualification. You can use your experiences to help answer competency questions during interviews, using the STAR method. 

You should also use this as an opportunity to highlight the key employability skills that will make you stand out as a candidate and prove to any potential employers that you have the ability to do the job you are applying for without being constantly supervised. 


While the Christmas season is short-lived, the opportunities it brings can have lasting effects on your career and wallet. Whether it’s the invaluable experience, the networking, or simply the joy of being part of the festive hustle and bustle, securing a temporary gig during this period can be a game-changer. So, share your festive spirit, polish up that CV, and dive into the Christmas job market!

Featured image by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

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