15 Proactive Steps to Ease Anxiety While Awaiting Job Interview Results

Oct 19, 2023

In the wake of a crucial job interview, a wave of anxious anticipation invariably follows. This period of waiting, fraught with uncertainty, requires not just patience but also a constructive, practical approach to alleviate stress and maintain positivity.

In this light, we offer practical tips to effectively navigate through this tense interval, to help you to feel a sense of calm and preparedness for the outcome, whatever it might be.

1. Maintain a Positive but Realistic Outlook

Keep Hope Alive but Stay Grounded. 

It’s vital to nurture hope and maintain a positive mindset during the waiting period. Engage in affirmations and visualise a successful outcome to instil confidence. However, it’s equally important to brace for any eventuality. Acknowledging that not every opportunity will culminate in success aids in tempering expectations, thereby reducing potential disappointment if things don’t pan out as envisioned.

2. Divert Your Focus with Productive Activities

Stay Busy and Engaged.

Idle time is a breeding ground for anxiety. To counter this, immerse yourself in activities that are both engaging and fulfilling. Whether it’s pursuing a hobby, volunteering, or focusing on your current job (if applicable), staying busy is pivotal. This approach not only helps in keeping stress at bay but also contributes positively to your personal and professional development.

3. Establish a Support Network

Connect with Friends and Family.

Social support is indispensable during periods of uncertainty. Sharing your anxieties and hopes with trusted friends and family members can provide much-needed relief. These individuals offer not just a sympathetic ear but also valuable perspectives and advice that you might have overlooked. Engage with your support network regularly but avoid obsessing over the interview during these interactions.

4. Limit the Frequency of Follow-ups

Be Patient and Professional. 

While it’s reasonable to seek updates on the interview outcome, excessive follow-ups can be perceived as desperation, potentially harming your prospects. Allow a reasonable time to elapse—typically a week or two—before politely inquiring about the status of your application. Demonstrating patience and understanding of the employer’s timeline reflects professionalism and respect for their process.

5. Prepare for the Next Opportunity

Continuous Improvement. 

Regardless of the interview’s outcome, view every opportunity as a learning experience. Solicit feedback if possible and reflect on your performance to identify areas for improvement. In doing so, you not only enhance your skills and preparedness for future interviews but also constructively channel your nervous energy during the waiting period.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques

Fostering Inner Calm.

Incorporating mindfulness practices and stress reduction techniques into your daily routine can be particularly beneficial during this nerve-wracking time.

Meditation, yoga, or even simple breathing exercises can significantly alleviate anxiety, helping you maintain a clear and focused mind. This calm and collected mindset will not only aid you in the waiting period but also serve you well in your professional life, enhancing your overall mental resilience.

7. Engage in Personal Development

Invest in Yourself.

While you wait for the outcome, see this time as an opportunity to invest in your personal and professional development. Consider enrolling in a short course or attending workshops and seminars related to your field. Reading industry-relevant books or even participating in networking events can also significantly bolster your knowledge and connections in the sector, preparing you further for the role you hope to secure or for future opportunities.

8. Avoid Overanalysing the Interview

Reflect Without Obsessing.

It’s natural to replay the interview in your mind, scrutinising every response and gesture. While reflection is constructive, excessive rumination can lead to unnecessary stress and self-doubt. Remember that interviews are as much about gauging personal fit and rapport as they are about assessing skills and qualifications. What may seem like a mistake to you could be perceived differently by the interviewer. Therefore, engage in reflection judiciously, focusing on learning rather than criticising yourself.

9. Stay Open to Other Opportunities

Keep Your Options Open.

Limiting yourself to the outcome of one interview can amplify stress and disappointment if it doesn’t favour you. Keep an eye open for other job listings and opportunities; continue to submit applications and attend interviews. This approach not only increases your chances of finding a suitable position but also alleviates the pressure associated with waiting for the outcome of a single interview. 

10. Practice Gratitude and Positive Affirmation

Nurturing a Positive Mindset.

Lastly, engage in practices that promote a positive and grateful mindset. Regularly acknowledging and reflecting on the positive aspects of your life and career can provide a much-needed perspective and balance during this uncertain period. Practising gratitude can also foster a sense of contentment and well-being, creating a positive cycle of thoughts and emotions that support mental health and resilience during the waiting phase.

11. Maintain Healthy Habits

Prioritise Wellness.

It’s easy to neglect your health under stress, but maintaining a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and engaging in regular exercise are crucial. These healthy habits contribute positively to your mental health, providing the energy and clarity needed to cope with the stress of awaiting your interview outcome. Consider this waiting period as an opportunity to commit to or re-establish a healthy routine that supports both your body and mind.

12. Engage in Self-reflection and Journaling

Understanding Yourself Better.

Journaling can be a therapeutic way of understanding and processing your thoughts and emotions during this anxious time. Putting your hopes, fears, and expectations down on paper can provide you with valuable insights into your professional desires and career goals, helping you understand what truly matters to you. It’s a self-reflection tool that not only helps relieve anxiety but also aids in planning your next career moves with greater self-awareness and clarity.

13. Set Short-term Goals and Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge Every Achievement.

While waiting for the interview results, set achievable short-term goals unrelated to the job application. 

These could be as simple as completing a book, mastering a new skill, or improving your physical fitness.

Celebrating these small wins creates a sense of accomplishment and control, providing much-needed positivity and confidence. Acknowledging every achievement, no matter how minor, is crucial for maintaining high spirits during uncertain times.

14. Limit Exposure to Stressful Information and Negative Influences

Guard Your Mental Space.

In the age of constant digital connectivity, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by a barrage of information, much of which may heighten your anxiety. Limit your exposure to news or social media platforms that might induce stress or comparison with peers.

Engage in activities and consume content that uplifts and inspires rather than adds to your stress levels. Being mindful of where you direct your attention can greatly influence your mental and emotional well-being.

15. Seek Professional Advice and Counseling If Necessary

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help.

If the anxiety of waiting becomes unbearable or begins to adversely affect your daily life, consider seeking help from career counsellors or mental health professionals. Sometimes, speaking to an expert can provide you with the tools and strategies to cope with stress more effectively, offering a new perspective on your situation. Remember, reaching out for professional advice is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards safeguarding your mental health.


The period following a job interview, laden with anticipation and anxiety, is undeniably challenging. However, by adopting a proactive and positive approach, you can not only mitigate stress but also lay the groundwork for future success, irrespective of the immediate outcome. Engage in constructive activities, lean on your support network, maintain professional communication with the employer, and continuously strive for personal and professional development. With these practical tips in hand, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the anxious wait that follows the job interview, emerging stronger and wiser on the other side.

Featured image by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

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