Creating an Optimal Environment for Neurodiverse Candidates in Video Interviews

Jul 31, 2023

Video interviews are a very common stage in the job application process, offering convenience and greater accessibility. For neurodiverse candidates, it also offers a greater ability to control certain factors in your environment to reduce the impact of sensory issues and reduce anxiety.

However, for neurodiverse candidates, video interviews can present some unique challenges. By optimising your environment, you can create a more comfortable and accommodating space for you to thrive in your interviews and showcase your skills to prospective employers. 

In this post, we explore practical tips to help you to perform well during your video interviews. 

1: Find a Quiet and Distraction-free space at home for your video interviews 

Select a quiet and secluded area at home to conduct your video interviews. This will help to minimise noise and potential distractions. Let your housemates know the times of your video interviews so that they can avoid interrupting you during this time. If you are particularly sensitive to noise, you may wish to consider wearing earplugs such as Loops that are designed to block out background noise whilst allowing you to still hear yourself and the interviewer. Alternatively, you may prefer to wear noise-cancelling, over-the-ear headphones during the interview to help you to focus on what the interviewer is saying.

2: Control your Lighting and Visual Stimuli in your Environment 

Having good lighting is vital for video interviews. Ensure that the space you pick to have your video interviews is well-lit, with natural light if possible. If you need additional lighting,  Smart lights that allow you to precisely control the light intensity and the colour might be a good idea to reduce discomfort or sensory issues. 

Additionally, before your video interview, spend a few minutes ensuring that the environment that you’ll be doing your video interview is clutter-free. This may help to prevent any visual distractions during your interview. 

3: Test your technology and internet connection before your video interview 

Before your video interview, do a quick check of your interview connection and familiarise yourself with the conferencing software that you’ll be using. For example, ensure that you know how to mute/ unmute yourself and check that your camera is working. 

Doing these checks before your interview will help to reduce potential technical difficulties during your interview and subsequently minimise your stress levels. 

4: Utilise accommodations and assistive technologies 

Some neurodiverse candidates benefit from assistive technologies during their video interviews such as closed captions to help with processing auditory information. Alternatively, using a digital or physical notepad during interviews may also be beneficial for writing down interview questions before answering them. Remember, during your interview, it is ok to write down the interview question and if you didn’t quite catch all of the questions the first time, ask the interviewer to repeat the question. Once you fully understand the question, then take a few moments to think of a structured response using the STAR framework where possible. 

5: Additional Sensory Management 

As well as being in a quiet, well-lit space for your video interview, ensure that the temperature of the space is comfortable. Also, if you are affected by textures, ensure that your clothing is comfortable. Opt for softer fabrics, and remove the tags/ labels from your clothing if they are irritating. Having a fidget toy or a stress ball on your desk can provide a sensory outlet and help you to alleviate anxiety during the interview. 

6: Request Interview Accommodations if you need to

If you require specific accommodations for your video interview, don’t hesitate to communicate these needs with the hiring manager or recruiter. Requesting accommodations ensures a fair and inclusive process. Some examples of accommodations are: 

  • Extending the interview time slot to provide you with more time to understand and answer your interview questions. 
  • Extending the interview time slot to allow for short breaks during the interview. 
  • Written communications such as asking the interviewer to type out interview questions and send them to you via the chat functionality in the video conferencing software. 
  • Advance notice of the format of the interview and the topics to expect to come up during the interview. 
  • Request for the minimisation of visual distractions in the interviewer’s background. 
  • The option to have a support person or advocate present during the interview for reassurance or assistance.
  • Clear communication about the next steps and the timeline for decision-making to reduce uncertainty and anxiety.

Final Thoughts 

By optimising your environment for video interviews, neurodiverse candidates can overcome potential challenges and showcase their skills and qualifications with confidence.

It might require some trial and error to get your interview environment just right for you. However, persevere until you create an environment that helps you to focus, process information and answer the interview questions to the best of your ability. 

Creating a quiet, distraction-free space, managing sensory input, and utilising assistive technologies are essential steps in enhancing the interview experience.

Don’t be afraid or anxious advocate for your needs and communicate any necessary accommodations to ensure a successful and inclusive interview process.

With a supportive environment, neurodiverse candidates can fully demonstrate their abilities and contribute their unique perspectives to the workforce.

How we can help you at Graduate Coach 

Here at Graduate Coach, we have helped several neurodiverse students, graduates and career changers to overcome challenges that have impacted their interview performance, and given them the support and guidance that they need to become interview confident. 

If you are a neurodiverse candidate who is looking for a job and feel that you would benefit from career coaching or interview coaching, get in touch with us today. 

Featured image by Anna Shvets from Pexels

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